This came through as a possible action step.

Vic Uni are recruiting participants for a study of ATTITUDES TOWARDS PEOPLE WHO ARE SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO CHILDREN 

Link below. 

Someone has written an objection letter, feel free to adapt it if you want to write too.   


The letter

Dear Rhonda Shaw and Dr Hedwig Eisenbarth,

Re: Victoria University of Wellington Human Ethics Committee, application number 0000031426

I am writing to you regarding thee project "Perceptions Towards People with a Sexual Attraction to Children”

I find this project objectionable for many reasons:

1. The renaming of a category of people commonly called pedophiles who are the cause of the use, harm. abduction, enslavement, sale, torture and destruction of children for their own pleasure and/or profit to “people with a sexual attraction to children” to be a manipulative attempt to nudge attitudes of the public towards more accepting views.  

2. There is no explanation provided on what this research will used for. The information sheet only says it will be published and presented, and “used" to “refine" “these" for "future use,”  This explanation gives no ability to understand how the information will be used and what "future use" the survey information will be used for. But taking the attitudinal direction of the title of the project, I can assume it will be used to form a basis of knowledge from which to begin discrediting, undermining and countering unfavourable community attitudes towards more sympathetic views towards pedophilia. 

3. The information sheet gives an example of a question that will be asked ie if you know any “pedophiles” and where you get your information on the subject from. The angle of this type of questioning is likely to place doubt in peoples mind’s that their opinions about “pedophiles” are valid, ergo how can you know when you don’t personally know any?. But You don’t have to have experienced rape or murder to be abhorred by it do you? 

4. As for questions about "relationship between a sexual attraction to children and child sexual abuse” most people wouldn’t know the statistics of this - thus placing additional levers to use to undermine confidence in one’s opinion or for creating a narrative to peddle for defenders of pedophilia to use to challenge objectors. 

5. The project contains 4 “education modules.” These are not explained. Why does a study to collect the attitudes of the public towards pedophilia have an educational component? Once again the title of the project indicates the likely direction of this "education”   towards manipulating attitudes to more accepting views. 

6. The project email "stigma-project@vuw.ac.nz” referring to the “stigma project,' also indicates that the project position is that pedophiles have been stigmatised, which shows that the project holds the view that pedophiles are misunderstood and mistreated. Again this supports my view that the project is for the purpose of generating more tolerance and acceptance of pedophilia. 

 I believe that any effort or attempt to change people’s attitudes towns a more tolerant, sympathetic or accepting view of pedophilia puts children at greater risk of the terrible harms that have and continue to be perpetrated on them by pedophiles. It is my view that this project is unethical and should be withdrawn.


The professor - Dr Hedwig Eisenbarth, 


Head of ethics - Rhonda Shaw, hec@vuw.ac.nz.

And - stigma-project@vuw.ac.nz

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Next thing there will be posters developed by Te Whata Ora as a result of this ground breaking research advertising showing how you can show your support to people that have a sexual attraction to minors !!!

Absolutely bonkers and again just a mad PhD student up there with the likes of RayGun bonkers !!!

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Well written letter.I would have written a scathing letter asking them if their next project would be to destigmatize rapists.. who may not be able to “curb their enthusiasm”!

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