'If names be not correct, then language is not in accordance with the truth of things.' Confucius.

They are pedophiles who want to rape a child. So-called 'non-offending' = THEY HAVEN'T BEEN CAUGHT YET. The very building blocks of reality and language are being re-shaped before our eyes so degenerate men can colonise women and girl's spaces, and transvestites have more rights than us all. NO. #NEVERSurrender #JustSayPedophile

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That hairy women in the video makes the most ridiculous point - changing the terminology to Minor Attracted Person somehow changes things. Oh so stating the same thing in English rather than Latin somehow makes a difference? This is nothing but an attempt by sexual fetishists such as the hairy lady, to normalise immoral sexuality. I’m sorry but being attracted to children is immoral, whether you act on it or not. The hairy lady knows this otherwise why would she be trying to convince us it’s not. Her disingenuousness is riddled throughout her very being. From the fact she wants us all to believe she’s a man to the fact she wishes us all to believe being sexually attracted to children is somehow morally neutral. The lassie is fucked in the heid!

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What Allan Walker is really saying is that if you are attracted to killing you can't help that you are attracted to that, same goes for, according to Allan, if you are attracted to stealing you can't help that, beating up someone the same etc. etc. And we need to call it differently so the stigma will be gone.

Who is insane?

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