Gender ideology and the whole trans schtick are a cult based on a faulty belief system: https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/religion-cult-whatever And it is depressingly easy to sway the public into believing anything that a government declares as the new groupthink must be followed:


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21 hrs ago·edited 21 hrs ago

Maybe Chantelle Baker's successful lawsuit had something to do with it. Kate Hannah has come out of it discredited. Reports say that the Herald had to pay Chantelle, but how would Kate Hannah dodge not having to pay her?

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Sadly unrepentant though, but that is because the Father of Lies is their ruler. So deceived that even if the facts change, they can't.

The biggest laugh for me was the obvious hypocrisy when I first saw it: the 'beware of traditional wife and families' and especially the 'blonde' and 'braided girls' - being described as dangerous by a blonde, very middle-class, trad looking, impeccably make-upped white woman who looked exactly like the dangerous people she was warning us about.

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