Any schools that teach gender ideology are not just "detached from the latest international medical research" but from reality itself. There is no such thing as a "trans kid" without an indoctrinating adult hovering in the background.

And I have to ask, why isn't all of this crap not considered grooming kids for sexual exploitation? I mean, I know I am an old fart, but my memory hasn't totally disappeared and I don't remember EVER even wondering about this issue as a primary school student, nor did my now middle aged children. If you had asked me about my sexual preferences at primary school, I'm not sure I would have even understood the question.

It's not us non-inclusive, bigoted cisheteronormative types who are captured by gender stereotypes, it's those who tell children there is only one way to be a boy or a girl so if "you like doing the wrong things for your sex you must be trans". And neither or "part" something (the nonbinary option) is no more than a total nonsense.

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There is absolutely no need to know how many 'gender diverse' kids there are at primary school, unless there is a data mining agenda to it.

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Lets poke eyes out and cut legs off of children who want to be a pirate.

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It’s good to know that not all principals and I assume not all New Zealanders are sold on this destructive trans nonsense. The questions asked of the principals are not just intrusive but obviously slanted towards the gender cult . If I were a principal, I would send them a letter telling them that in my school we teach rather than indoctrinate.


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