Classic! The Post has written an article on it (couple of days late of course!) and immediately Victoria University tells porkies

“Hyland acknowledged paedophilia was a sensitive and emotive subject which was why the researchers chose to be transparent about the topic on the poster.”

Except they never mention the word on the poster. 🙄

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Universities have well & truly crossed the rubicon of madness. Minor Attracted Persons?? Deviant f***ers should indeed be stigmatised. Right before castration & imprisonment. Just saying.

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The so called Victorian 'study' is one means of softening people's natural reserve and revulsion. It is not objective, scientific or helpful to anyone. It is instead dangerous as it is an attempt to begin normalisation of a great sin in society.

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Too horrific to contemplate and on top of all the other absolute crap happening to children - and no one is going to stop this? OMG 😨

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The rights of children include the expectation they are protected and cared for and not abused by the very adults they depend upon for care and protection. That's why we have laws which punish harming children and which set the expectation that parents and other adults in their lives provide them with the necessaries of life. Bet that fact didn't even intrude, the aim is specifically work on ways to mould the very normal feelings of revulsion at those would abuse vulnerable children away towards normalising that same abuse. This is something I've seen - an article here with an adult man blaming the child, another with the claim of 'non-offenders' (while stating these 'non-offenders' access images of vile abuse of children which is a criminal offence) and much more. Think also on the promotion of paraphilias and kinks, including and not limited to men claiming they are women who based on overseas and experience here have a higher rate of being imprisoned for such offences.

There's also another issue in that clearly this is targeted towards students/younger adults who typically are still forming opinions and learning about life. Probably a reason for choosing that is that they might be more malleable than older adults who are also more likely to have children they are invested in protecting. It's one thing to assess attitudes, another to try and change opinions to allow people who are a clear danger to children an easier path to their offending (this will be the effect).

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I’d love to join that study, I’d have such fun discussing the subject in a no holds-barred, non woke, non ‘linguistic gymnastic’ manner!! And to think I might get a prezzy voucher…

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I know someone who was sexually abused as a child! He has never outgrown the damage to his psyche ! Pedophilia is a crime and should be as punished as rape, which it basically is.

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All I had to see was the phrase 'lived experience' and I knew the whole thing was hogwash and another progressive creepy crawl to 'change society's stigmas' around something that should always and forever be a stigma and a crime with the punishment of removal of sex organs. Talk about transition surgery for these people instead of our children.

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I would like to see the VC at Victoria comment on what they think about this research. Also, what the Children’s commission’s think along with OT and Education Ministers. The whole research should be abandoned and the ethics committee of Victoria bow their heads down in their woke cotton wool surrounding. You know nothing surprises me anymore. Maybe a protest needs to be staged outside Victoria. You know freedom of speech and all that !!

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They are ruining children's lives lets ruining theirs too.

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Truly abhorrent. What is wrong with you people. Are attendees happy to have their photo taken?

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These filthy maggots need annihilating like a rat infestation!

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This was always the end goal

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Well, if playing with words, semantics is what they’re doing… Then we should as well. Let’s relabel pedophilia “child rape, child sexual assault”

Yeah, what is concerning about that if you take a look at what happens to women who were raped? They’re usually blamed for it. And the Sick thing would be eventually blame the child by saying “oh a child was asking for it”

And I’m starting to wonder too if this whole thing about consent… Was really about empowering women so that we’re safe… Maybe Weaponized against children.

Children cannot give consent.

Talk about consent in childhood sex education now… And I think it’s extremely important, I think it’s really important that any sexual activity between two people both have consented. And if one changes their mind, they have the right to revoke their consent.

The issue is allowing kids who are 12 1314-year-old I think that they have the emotional and psychological capacity to give consent. And they do not!

For example, my child knows about consent and backwards… And I always remind him that he’s not old enough to determine whether or not he can consent or if another person can

And that he understands the parameters of consent, he needs to be much more older before he can use it

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All academics are essentially brain dead communist …

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Destigmatizing Hitler.

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