The media’s hysterical coverage of the latest research on families is a "manufactured crisis". The academics have done nothing to help their cause either.
Well researched. I’m traumatised from just reading their BS manipulation of statistics. Lies, damn lies & all that. Anyone who trusts a MSM headline needs their head read for the twist & sensationalise anything they can for click bait effect. Tawdry tabloids they be.
The saddest part here is that they’re missing the truth, as you point out, that even half-decent parenting churns out healthy & functional kids. And that those who are really abusing their kids need to be dealt with swiftly, in a clearly targeted manner. This crap research just muddies the water, creating victims who draw focus away from those who truly need it. Don’t get me started on the ‘mental health’ epidemic…
Well researched. I’m traumatised from just reading their BS manipulation of statistics. Lies, damn lies & all that. Anyone who trusts a MSM headline needs their head read for the twist & sensationalise anything they can for click bait effect. Tawdry tabloids they be.
The saddest part here is that they’re missing the truth, as you point out, that even half-decent parenting churns out healthy & functional kids. And that those who are really abusing their kids need to be dealt with swiftly, in a clearly targeted manner. This crap research just muddies the water, creating victims who draw focus away from those who truly need it. Don’t get me started on the ‘mental health’ epidemic…