MFAT should be renamed Ministry of LGBTQIA+
The government body that represents NZ to other governments & to negotiate trade agreements has become fully captive to DEI & wokeness. They even have a special dictionary just to help you be woker.
I’m sure you have heard of MFAT. MFAT is the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. It interacts with other governments on behalf of New Zealand. Negotiates trade agreements to make it easier and more profitable for New Zealand businesses to export. Oversees security in the region e.g. Cook Islands! Oh, and pushes climate change alarmism!
On the website they say
Relationships are at the heart of our work at MFAT—we’re the diplomats, negotiators, analysts and advisors working to build a safer, more prosperous and more sustainable future for New Zealanders.
How do they do this?
….We pursue the Government’s international priorities and provide advice to the Government on the implications for New Zealand of what is happening in the world.
Our work contributes to New Zealanders’ well-being in the following ways:
· Kaitiakitanga: Generations of New Zealanders benefit from sustainable solutions to global and regional challenges
· Prosperity: New Zealanders have better job opportunities and incomes from trade, investment and other international connections
· Security: New Zealanders are able to live, do business, travel and communicate more safely at home and offshore
· Influence: New Zealanders have confidence their country can influence others on issues that matter for them now and in the future
Well that’s probably when you’ve had the most need for MFAT. MFAT provides advice and services for New Zealanders living and traveling overseas – so if you’re in a part of the world where there’s a natural disaster or terror attack of some sort, MFAT is worth contacting.
But MFAT are keen to push DEI, intersectionality, critical race theory – basically wokeness 101.
All funded by you by the way.
Under Values, they say
Te Tiriti o Waitangi is at the core of our work, and Te Tiriti principles provide the foundation for how Aotearoa New Zealand conducts its foreign policy. Equally, our work is guided by the values derived from our bicultural heritage – manākitanga, kotahitanga, kaitiakitanga, and whanaungatanga.
Under the heading Diversity and inclusion
MFAT values diverse thinking, people and skills. We recognise that diversity allows us to be more innovative in the way we think and act, enhancing the quality of our advice and services. We aim to reflect the diversity of New Zealand and the countries in which we are present. That's why we’re working actively to grow the diversity of our workforce and the inclusive nature of our workplace. We have a comprehensive diversity and inclusion strategy and work programme. Click on our diversity and inclusion page to see some of the things we are doing.
So plenty of DEI. It always sounds nice and inclusive – but of course we know it’s not. If you don’t believe me, turn up to the next DEI meeting at your workplace and mention you believe that only women can get pregnant, that marriage is one man one woman, and that you’re a Christian.
Check how diverse and inclusive they really are. They’re not. You’ll be cancelled.
Bet they don’t like Winston Peter’s new bill to scrap DEI and wokeness.
But this is exactly the type of content and policy and indoctrination that people have had a gutsful of, and Winston Peters has heard that dissatisfaction and is doing something about it.
Under the heading Gender and Ethnic Action, they say
In 2021 we published our Gender and Ethnic Pay Action Plan [PDF, 747 KB] which showed our roadmap to support the Ministry’s goals of gender equality and greater inclusion of women.
Well inclusion of women is important. But so is merit – and so is the fact that only women can get pregnant so sometimes family will come first. Imagine that!
As we highlight in our Fact Sheet on Critical Theory (which you can view at what drives all of this type of policy is based on the flawed belief that your group identity is the most important thing. Critical Theory views people, not in terms of behaviour, values or achievements, but in terms of your group membership. These groups are grounded in mostly unchangeable traits such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, religion or abilities/ disabilities and more. The individual no longer matters, only your group. Character, skills, experience, beliefs, achievements and environment are discarded in favour of your group identity.
MFAT are excelling at that.
Businesses are adopting “Diversity & Inclusion Training” programs to brainwash their staff into accepting wokeness without question. In truly Orwellian fashion, “Equity and Inclusion” departments are springing up to serve as political offices to search for, stamp out and re-educate any dissenters. If you don’t believe me, just talk to anyone who works at Kiwibank who are petrified at speaking up.
Dare to question, and you will be called “racist”, “sexist” or whatever-phobic. Everyone is walking on eggshells for fear of failing the “woke” purity test. The threat of “cancel culture” is an ever-present warning that your job, career and reputation are on the line.
And on the MFAT website we start to see the real push for identity politics and intersectionality
Under the heading Inclusion of our rainbow communities
MFAT’s Rainbow Network has been operating for 25 years and has a proud history of representing and advocating for the interests of its members… Many of our staff at overseas posts, including our leaders, participate in pride parades in various cities around the world. In April 2021, as part of the Ministry’s Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, we became Rainbow Tick(external link) certified….
And the image shows MFAT staff at the Stockholm Pride Parade 2019 – marketing NZ
And finally, Sexual orientation and gender identity
Aotearoa New Zealand is committed to sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI)-related rights, and demonstrating leadership on the global stage is a top priority under our International Human Rights Action Plan. To highlight the way in which people of diverse SOGIESC have always had a place in indigenous culture in our region, the editors of this booklet have produced this glossary of reo Māori terminology for people of diverse SOGIESC. In this way, we celebrate the place of rainbow communities in Aotearoa New Zealand as part of the diversity of the peoples of Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa.
But it’s when you click on the booklet that you see just how radical MFAT has become.
Aotearoa New Zealand supports equal rights for all regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI)…
We stand alongside people of diverse SOGIESC (sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and sex characteristics), our Pacific family..
Why are Pacific families lumped in with SOGIESC’s??
…the editors of this booklet have produced this glossary of reo Māori terminology for people of diverse SOGIESC.
This pukapuka champions the creation of a list of words, the use of words like these and seeks to encourage indigenous thought in creating new words. If we do not, we risk colonising indigenous language with non-indigenous terms and thinking. This approach might be useful in activating or reactivating indigenous culture and language.
So who is this all coming from? See down the bottom. Louisa Wall. The champion of LGBT agendas, the architect of the distortion of marriage, liberalising abortion, banning counselling and prayer around abortion mills (so called safe zones), euthanasia, surrogacy, conversion therapy laws and the farce of changing your sex on your birth certificate. She championed them all – and somehow seemed to be on almost every select committee for these controversial things. Interesting.
But even the Labour party didn’t want her in her safe Labour seat – and Louisa was removed from her safe Labour seat by what we called a “corrupt process”
So they did a bit of a dirty to get rid of her.
But they gave her a cushy government job to go around the Pacific islands pushing the LGBT issue on behalf of the NZ taxpayer – in MFAT – and much to the annoyance of many Pacific Island leaders.
The ambassador's role will be to establish new partnerships and programmes that support the full and effective participation by women and LGBTQI+, and equal opportunities for leadership in the Pacific.
Ironically, MFAT weren’t too keen on this whole thing at the time either – but the Labour Government were pushing it – because they had to bribe Louisa somehow.
This article from Newsroom says
A former Labour MP’s new diplomatic role was set up despite officials’ concern about duplicating existing work and getting offside with Pacific leaders expecting more senior engagement, internal documents show. In April, Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta announced Louisa Wall’s appointment as a new ambassador for gender equality in the Pacific – less than a fortnight after Wall announced the end of her 14-year career in Parliament. The timing of Wall’s appointment, coupled with the well-established tensions between the outspoken MP and some within Labour, led to speculation that the role – to which she was appointed directly, without advertisement – had been created to move her on from Parliament.
So what are the words that MFAT and Louisa wants NZ to market to all of the world. Our sales pitch to the world.
Are we teaching words like beef, lamb, trade, exports, tourism, natural beauty, kiwi fruit, APEC, open for business – you know, things helpful to increasing our foreign affairs and TRADE.
Well, here are the words
Words for
Sexual orientation
Even Drag queen
2 versions of gender / sexual conversion practices
Mixed gender – or non-binary
Ira Tangata
This is a Māori reference to identity and whakapapa. This term acknowledges in te reo that Māori are Indigenous first, and are not defined by any single characteristic or variation. Intersex within an ao Māori view is an emergent area that is being explored within this re-indigenising era of Aotearoa.
The good news is there is the word for “Cisgender, or permanent fixed gender”
You know, biology. Born male or female. How kind.
And then we have
Anti-trans, or transphobia
Takatāpui originally meant an intimate companion of the same gender – as in the story of Tūtānekai and Tiki. Tūtānekai married Hinemoa, and his close relationship with Tiki was not necessarily a rainbow relationship.
No it wasn’t. It was a close friendship. End of.
But it’s the same type of ridiculous claim that InsideOut made in their booklet Join this Chariot: Christian Schools Supporting Rainbow Students’ Wellbeing’ where they tried to suggest that Ruth and Naomi, Jonathan and David, the Roman Centurion and his servant, and Philip and the eunuch were in a same sex relationship of some sort. They even say
“Jonathan and David were in a committed relationship that may have been sexual.”
And that the Ethiopian eunuch was a “gender minority person”.
These bizarre interpretations are both shocking and offensive.
But our MFAT glossay continues
However, contemporary use of Takatāpui most often refers to tāne moe tāne (men who sleep with men), or wahine moe wahine (women who sleep with women). It is sometimes used to refer to other rainbow people, including transgender people.
Well, only since the 80s – when it became trendy.
Let me just read an extract from a very good Substack from Mana Wahine Korero entitled It is by women and by land, that the people are given life.
On page 3 of Te Ara, the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, in ‘Sexual Diversity in Contemporary Māori Society’, Clive Aspin makes the claim: ‘...transgender people hold a revered position within Māori society. Transgender people play an important role within both the takatāpui community and wider Māori community as holders and transmitters of ancestral knowledge.’
Who are these so-called ‘transgenders’ that Aspin refers to? Which hapū (sub-tribe)? Which whakapapa (descendancy) are they from and what exactly does he mean by ‘transgender’?
On the other hand we have the seemingly infrequently read, but gratuitously marketed, PhD thesis by [Former Green MP] Dr Elizabeth Kerekere, in which she makes a complete 180 degree turn to the above statement by Clive Aspin on p82 in her thesis, to state that: ‘There is not yet evidence that Māori had diverse gender identities or that tākatapui played specific roles in pre-colonial times.’
Clearly there is a disconnect between what we are being told by both Aspin and Kerekere, who are at odds with each other, and what is reality in relation to Te Ao and Tikanga Māori.
Those of us raised within our culture know that we have always been defined by hapū established by whakapapa. Our culture has always been passed down to us by our kaumatua (elders) NOT academics or politicians. Broad sweeping baseless claims about ‘Māori’ can become quickly unravelled when specifics of hapū and whakapapa are either vague or non-existent.
….The truth is that there is no haka, no waiata, no mōteatea, no whakataukī and no whakairo that proves that diverse gender identities ever existed in Te Ao and in pre-colonial times for Māori. Humans can never change sex. Regardless of culture, lying to any child about biological reality is incredibly cruel.
But MFAT want to push the narrative anyway.
Here’s an interesting one
A person who has the essence of a man
There’s another couple of pages – and then finally…this made up stuff
Remember this is a government department which is an international representative of New Zealand’s interests. That’s ALL of NZ!
“Indigenous Takatapui LGBTQIA+ terminology are crucial for people-centred development in the Pacific as they honour and recognise the diverse cultural expressions and experiences of Indigenous peoples of Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa…. It fosters cultural pride, self-determination, and social cohesion, promoting inclusive and sustainable development in the region.”
Yeah right. If you believe all that bunkum, I have a bridge to sell you.
It’s a classic case of critical race theory with all the intersectionality of LGBT and identity politics.
And that’s why the left and the legacy media are so angry about Winston Peter’s proposed bill to end all this stuff.
Just to really show you how this all works – while I was researching this issue,
I stumbled across this OIA from MFAT – and it’s about a trip by MFAT’s Ambassador for Gender Equality (Louisa) visiting Niue in 2023.
Now I need to declare a vested interest here. My mother in law is full Niuean. So my children have Niuean blood. Which I’ve very proud of. Just putting that out there.
I think Niue would be interested in MFAT supporting them with tourism, getting more Kiwis and people from all around the world to Niue – and getting exports from Niue out to the world – so as to build the local economy eh.
What does this OIA reveal the purpose of the trip was from MFAT.
Ambassador for Gender Equality (Pacific)/Tuia Tangata Louisa Wall has visited Niue for a series of meetings focused on women, decriminalisation of homosexuality and disabled persons rights .
Ambassador Wall's visit to Niue was an important opportunity for Aotearoa to state clearly its values and human rights priorities
i.e. double down on DEI and identity politics, which we will soon see
All Niue's women MPs were absent at the time of the visit, at a parliamentary exchange for Pacific Women MPs hosted by New Zealand.
That’s kind of ironic eh. A meeting for women, but all the women from Niue skipped it. Were they at home? Doing housework? Doing tradwife things like braiding their daughters hair? Were they on Pinterest!!!! Where’s the Disinformation Project!
I mean, they can’t go far. It’s an island! I’ve driven around it. It doesn’t take that long.
Or maybe they just didn’t want to hear from MFAT because they knew the agenda. Interestingly, Niue already has 30% women representatives in the Assembly (six out of 20), and 50% in Cabinet (two of four Ministers).
Wall's meeting with the Niue Council of Women saw an exchange of views about the church and its position on same sex relationships. Wall cited the empathetic positions of both Pope Francis and the Church of England’s Archbishop of Canterbury.
So trying to push a liberal wedge through the church teachings to Nuiean church leaders.
Wall had a productive call with young women leaders, focused on opportunities for LGBTQI communities across sport and in women leadership on Niue. These women, representing Niue Police, Niue Tourism, sports organisations and village politics, spoke openly about Rainbow community friends and family, the lack of gender diverse education in school on Niue
In other words, how do we get InsideOut, RSE and more gender confusion into Niue
Perhaps the most confronting matter raised by Ambassador Wall throughout the week were issues relating to women’s sexual and reproductive health – access to lawful abortion…
Wall raised the issue of outdated language … and the possibility of the Vagahau Niue Language Commission collaborating… to create new positive and empowering language. Wall also asked the Commission to research historic terms for the Takatapui LGBTQIA+ community. Terms could be included in a diversity and inclusion booklet, with Wall suggesting it could be launched in 2024 when Niue marks 50 years of self-government .
Couldn’t find that online. Hopefully it died a natural death. Or DEI’ed a natural death.
It was encouraging to read that “they sought a meeting with Niue’s Council of Churches ahead of the visit, and although initially accepted, it was subsequently declined.
Wall shared her view that discrimination against LGBTQI people was a legacy of colonisation, and a contributor to depopulation for Niue…
If that was the case, colonisation would have led to NZ having a declining population. Whoops.
Maybe it’s just that Niue has a strong Christian affiliation – and has no time for wokesters from New Zealand or any other nation coming in and telling them what to do.
But this is what MFAT is doing. There was also a similar style visit to Samoa and Tonga during 2023 with the same agenda. And to Fiji the year before. Always pushing the LGBTQI++ messaging. And to the Solomon Islands – with the admission that NZ is funding abortion activists Planned Parenthood in these island nations!
Now my understanding is that the position of Ambassador for Gender Equality (Pacific)/Tuia Tangata was disestablished when the new Government came in – but the legacy and the messaging is still all there.
It’s time the MFAT got back to their core activity – foreign affairs and trade, security in the region, free trade deals – rather than ramming down DEI and wokeism 101 down the throat of every other country.